Mayor’s Christmas Appeal 2020 Rebrand
The concept process
Firstly, I compile a range of media as a reference and inspiration for a series of mood boards. Then using the mood boards, about 20+ rough hand-drawn concepts are produced, widdled down to three or four refined concepts, for only one final finished logo to be chosen. The concept production process can move so fast, rough hand-drawn visual “notes” work well in the initial stages. Refine, refine, refine! After fleshing out three or four concepts, feedback is essential to finishing this stage and achieving the concept that will best serve your client.
After the logo itself is nailed down, we move through and make sure it has the flexibility to be properly applied in any situation. Full colour, mono (black and white), alternate text layouts are considered and prepared for any future use.
The Brand Manual
Once the client has accepted the final logo, a Brand Manual must be created. Whether a large or small manual is created, it is vital for your client to have one on hand. A Brand Manual ensures the brand is correctly implemented moving forward, no matter who is working with it.